We help businesses clean up and get the most out of IT. In our work, we rely on financial indicators, industry standards and best corporate practices.

Currently, information technology is one of the key factors in the functioning and development of a business, especially a large one.

The main purpose of projects to develop IT strategies is to create a formalized scheme that allows all elements of the company’s information system to develop effectively. Development of an IT strategy allows minimizing financial risks, clearly representing the stages of future information development of the company. The IT strategy should ideologically continue the overall development strategy, consider business processes from the point of view of information technology.

Our company will help to closely connect the tasks and plans of IT development with the company’s strategy and business priorities. This applies to both operational applications and business applications, as well as technical infrastructure. Along with this, in the process of preparing an IT strategy, our specialists will help to shape the expectations of business units and company management from the work and development of IT.


The development and optimization plan for the information technologies used at the enterprise includes the following steps:

We study the existing practice of strategic management in the organization

Defining requirements for the integration of business strategy and IT strategy (Strategy Alignment)

We analyze IT architecture, develop a model of effective IT architecture

We analyze IT management processes using the ITIL methodology

We develop a budgetary policy in the field of IT

Developing IT strategic management processes


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